Complete information about US immigrant visa

Ngày đăng: 27/04/2023

The US immigration visa  is always a topic that receives the attention of many customers when the demand for US immigration is increasing. With the advantage of the leading developed economy in the world and an open, civilized and modern lifestyle, this country is on the list of “must list” for those wishing to settle abroad. Together with the US visa service of GBU Law Joint Stock Company, review useful information about the form of visa to the US to settle in the article right below.


The US immigration visa  is like a ticket to the American dream of many people. Because this visa allows foreign citizens to immigrate to the US and live and work without any restrictions. Immigrants will be granted a green card and become a permanent resident of the United States if they are eligible and meet all the immigration and naturalization criteria of the Government.

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Immigrant visas allow families to reunite. (Photo: Internet)


Changes in the new US immigration policy

The US Immigration Reform Bill has announced changes to a few   prominent immigrant visa policies as follows:

➢ Reduce the number of statutory immigrants, in addition to reducing the number and limit of annual refugee immigration.

➢ It is expected to cancel the sponsorship of parents, siblings, and instead can only sponsor spouses and children under 18 years of age.

➢ The new immigration system will be based on a points scale. Scoring criteria are based on education level, age, English proficiency, salary, typical achievements and most importantly, the ability to invest in the US economy.

➢ In case the applicant applies with his/her spouse (spouse), the score will be calculated according to the formula: Application score = applicant score x 0.7 + spouse score x 0.3

CONDITIONS FOR Immigrating to the US

To apply for a US immigration visa  or immigrate to the US, foreigners need to meet the following conditions:

♦ Was born in the United States or any territory of the United States

♦ Being a child (under 18 years old) of a US citizen whose father or mother passed the US citizenship test.

♦ Foreigners over the age of 18 who are residing in the US and have passed the citizenship test

♦ Be a person of good character, with enough scores on the English test and US history and politics.

♦ A person who is always loyal to the constitution and willing to join the US military

♦ Applicants who have lived in the US for at least 15 years will be exempt from some immigration conditions.


There are different  types of US immigrant visas  issued for different cases. Accordingly, the US immigrant visa is divided into many types, in which there are 3 main groups.

1. US visa under immigration guarantee for direct members

K1:  Issued to the fiancé/fiance of a U.S. citizen, provided that both meet the legal status to get married, have a regular meeting relationship within 2 years.

K3:  The subject of the guarantee is the spouse and stepchild of the spouse of a US citizen. The purpose of applying for a K3 visa is to be able to enter the US earlier instead of waiting for the approval of your spouse’s petition to come to the US.

IR1/CR:  Will be issued to the spouse of a US citizen to immigrate to this country provided that the applicant is a person who is legally married to a US citizen. The sponsor must be over 18 years old. Applying for a visa to the US as a couple  is usually granted an IR1 visa.

IR2/CR2:  Under this category, the applicant can sponsor the biological or stepchild of the spouse of a U.S. citizen if the child is single and under the age of 21. In the case of a stepchild, it will only be considered if the US citizen’s spouse relationship was established before the stepchild turned 18 years old.

IR3: The IR3 US immigrant visa categories  are granted to subjects who are adopted children of US citizens.

IR4:  Issued to children adopted by US citizens with the condition that they are adopted in US territory.

IR5:  U.S. citizens 21 years of age or older can sponsor their biological parents or step-parents to immigrate to this country. In the case of a step-parent, you are only eligible when the relationship was established before the sponsor’s 18 years of age.

Visa định cư Mỹ K1

The US immigration visa in the form of marriage has the symbol K1. (Photo: Internet)

2. US visa for immigrant sponsorship for family members

F1:  Issued to the biological child of a US citizen with the condition that this child is over 21 years old and still single.

F2A:  This is a sponsorship category for spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21 of permanent residents in the US (people who are settled in the US but have not been naturalized).

V:  This is a nonimmigrant visa for spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21 of permanent residents to come to the United States to reunite pending the processing of the F2A immigrant petition. However, in order to apply for a V visa, the applicant’s application must meet certain conditions of the US consulate.

F3:  Issued to married children of US citizens, with this type, the sponsored person has the right to bring his/her spouse and children under 21 years of age to the US to settle down.

F4:  Siblings of U.S. citizens will be granted  an F4 visa  on the condition that the sponsor must be over 21 years old.

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The F1 immigrant visa is granted to children under the age of 21 of US citizens. (Photo: Internet)

3. Visa to immigrate to the US under investment and work priority programs

E1/EB1:  Issued to priority employees.

E2/EB2:  Granted to professionals with high professional qualifications and qualifications.

E3/RB3:  Working Immigrant is a US immigration program for individuals who work for US businesses for a minimum period of 1 year. This program is chosen by many because of its suitable nature for the participation of many individuals and does not require many difficult conditions like other types.

E4/EB4:  Issued to applicants coming to the United States under the immigrant program for special visas.

E5/EB5:  The investment program is a program chosen by Vietnamese entrepreneurs a lot because it can both expand their business in the US and have a high chance of coming to the US to settle down. With this type, the applicant only needs to invest a minimum amount of $ 500,000 in a business in the US on the condition that this business can create jobs for Native Americans.

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US immigration card under investment program, work priority. (Photo: Internet)


To apply for a US immigrant visa, the applicant must first be sponsored by a qualified person or prospective employer in the US. At the same time, the sponsor will apply for a permit at the USCIS office in the United States for you. After obtaining the permit, you are eligible to apply  for a US immigrant visa .

1. Prepare documents to apply for a US immigrant visa

Depending on each visa symbol and immigrant visa group, the visa application file will be regulated differently, GBU Law Joint Stock Company has reviewed the most important documents in a US immigrant visa application, However, documents may be changed at the request of the Embassy.

1 Identity proof:–  Application for a US visa  to settle down according to the form of the Embassy

– 2 photos of size 5x5cm with white background, taken within 6 months, require 2 ears clearly, not edited by computer. The photo must be pasted or stamped with 2 staples to the lower left hand corner of the application form

– Original passport with personal signature valid for at least 6 months after the end of the US trip and must have a blank page for visa stamping.

Certificate of marital status: single, divorced, married, widowed, certified by the local authority.

– Notarized copy of household registration, curriculum vitae, identity card/identity card, photocopies of both sides.

– Birth certificate of sponsor and visa applicant. Submit both originals and copies.

– Criminal record: the original and notarized copy of each criminal conviction or prison sentence of the applicant. The judgment should have full information about the facts of the case and the court’s decision.

2 Professional proof:– If the visa applicant is an employee who is working at the agency/company: Bank statement for the last 3 months, 3-month payroll certified by the agency/enterprise.

– If you are a business owner/company: Certificate of business registration of the company and tax payment report for the last 3 months.

– If you are a retired person: Supplement the pension slip/book with the retirement decision certified by the local authority.

3 Financial sponsorship records of the guarantor or co-guarantor:– The original financial sponsorship documents for the main applicant and a copy for the dependent applicant traveling to the US with the main applicant.

– Copy of birth certificate, US passport, certificate of US citizenship or permanent resident card.

– Form I-864 and tax return records issued by the IRS and related W-2 forms.

4 Proof of relationship between applicant and sponsor:– Spouse sponsorship: Divided into two categories before and after marriage. Proofs are not limited to photographs, letters, phone bills and other relevant evidence of the relationship between the applicant and the sponsor.

– Working visa: Confirmation of the job position that the employer in the US proposes for the applicant is still valid, the confirmation of the request must be printed on paper with the title or logo of the company. company, signed by the employer and notarized.

– Other types of guarantee: old household registration book, old school records, old photos, hospital birth certificate, Catholic family book, .. confirming the relationship of the applicant and the guarantor of the party. America.

2. Submit guarantee documents

The procedure to apply for an immigrant visa in the United States  must be approved by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). After passing this stage, the petition will be sent to the National Visa Center (NVC) for review. During the application process, the visa center will arrange the interview schedule and forward this schedule to the US Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City to receive. At this time, the US consulate will take the remaining steps.

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The United States is the ideal place to live, work and settle down. (Photo: Internet)

3. US immigration visa interview

If your immigrant visa application is approved, the US Consulate will contact you via email to confirm your interview date and time. When going to the interview, you need to arrive on time and prepare the documents prepared in the table above.

When the visa interview is over, you will know the results immediately:

🔹 If passed, the passport will be kept. Once your visa is stamped, your passport will be mailed to you within 2 weeks.

🔹 If you do not pass, you will receive an OF-194 rejection letter and be guided through the next steps to supplement your application.

*Note:  Interviewing for a US visa  is never easy, you always have to be in a confident mood, don’t be too stressed, answer decisively and coherently the questions asked by the Embassy. You should not try to talk long and long, but focus directly on the question of the questioner! If you can use English, use it throughout the interview so that the listener understands all the thoughts and ideas you want to convey.


🔰 Accuracy, details in visa application:  The information in the application is always required to be accurate, you must always declare with the truth. The US Embassy always knows how to check your records are really true to what you declared, if they are found to be false, the “American dream” may be gone.

🔰 Understand the profile and relationship status with the sponsor : To come to the US, you must first understand  your US visa application  , what type of visa you come to the US to settle in, who is the guarantor, Where will you go to the US, what do you plan to do to live? In short, you need to make an extremely thorough and detailed plan in case the Embassy asks.

Know the information about the sponsor, their job, when will they come to the US? What state they live in, how is the relationship between the two parties, is it good?….and a lot of other information that you need to care about. The effect of this is to make the Consulate believe about the relationship of the two parties and both are serious about coming to the US to settle down.

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The civilization and modernity of the US is a magnet to attract Vietnamese citizens. (Photo: Internet)


1. Bang Califoria

California is the state with the largest number of Vietnamese people living in the US, the number of Vietnamese in this state accounts for about 40% of the entire Vietnamese population in the US. They come here mainly to make a living by doing beauty, nail care, opening business shops selling Vietnamese food or working at agencies and businesses, but this number is very low. Vietnamese people here live mainly in San Jose city, here you can see a “Litte Saigon” with Vietnamese style and culture in the US. You can  extend your US visa F1  so you can study and work in California at the same time.

2. Bang Texas

In Texas, Houston is the second largest concentration of Vietnamese after California. Thanks to the vast terrain, compared to California, the land here must be said to be cheap, so housing is not a concern for many people. In addition, the climate here is compared to Saigon, making people feel closer to their homeland. Houston has many neighborhoods concentrated as a place for Vietnamese people to live, but the most crowded are the streets stretching along the prosperous Bellaire Street, but the streets, or the massive buildings in this place are all owned by Vietnamese people. own.

3. Bang Florida

Vietnamese people in Florida do many jobs, many jobs, but most of them are active in the field of agriculture on farms and other personal care services, especially there are many Vietnamese people working in the US nail industry. . Out of a total of 1,868 nail salons in South Florida, 1,152 are Vietnamese. The dedication and hard work in the profession has helped many people become successful, contributing to promoting the overall development of the Vietnamese community in the US.

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In addition to California, Florida is also home to many Vietnamese people. (Photo: Internet)


Applying for  a US immigrant visa  is always a dilemma for many people when the procedure is complicated and the requirements from the Embassy are high. That is the reason that many applicants, when in need of a US visa to settle down, look to a reputable visa service for support and get a visa as soon as possible.

GBU Law Joint Stock Company  – The company has been operating for over 12 years in the field of  US visa services , is the address that receives the attention of many domestic and foreign customers. Owning a team of skilled and well-trained visa specialists, coming to GBU Law Joint Stock Company, you will receive free advice and guidance on preparing the necessary documents, complex processes still remaining. Again, let GBU Law Joint Stock Company help you complete. With reasonable service costs, GBU Law Joint Stock Company is committed to helping you successfully apply for a US visa to settle in the shortest time.