Ngày đăng: 27/04/2023

Criterion 1: Brand reputation

The level of brand reputation is one of the important criteria to decide to choose a reputable center. The number of Korean study abroad consulting companies   in Vietnam is many, but there are not many really reputable companies. Prestigious centers are always chosen and trusted by a large number of parents and international students. Just like that company has not had scandals or significant incidents. And especially that company has always built and maintained a good reputation in the Korean study abroad market.

Criterion  2: The cost of studying in Korea is clear and transparent 

Cost is the issue that students and parents place the first concern in choosing a study abroad center. For companies that are always transparent, clear, for example: what is the total cost of the service? How much is the school and dormitory fees? How many months is that expense? What is the admission fee, insurance fee, document fee? How will those costs be divided into installments?… Surely customers will feel more confident. Instead of just giving the customer a receipt asking for the full $10,000 or $12,000, the customer himself doesn’t know what that amount includes.

Criterion  3: Professional staff to advise and process documents 

The centers will often give 100% free advice on choosing the right school and major for students as well as the costs that need to be paid. This is the first step for the center to build trust with customers. Based on criteria  such  as high school grades, academic performance, family finances, aspirations, etc. of students, the centers will advise students which city, area or school should they study in? What are the strengths of that school? Or how much is the cost of living in that area? A good center will definitely consult with all students’ questions, helping you to clearly orient your choice.

Criterion  4: Ensuring the quality of the application and the process of learning Korean

The Center must notify the details of each application process to students (and parents):

  • What student records are collected?
  • Is the document original or photocopy or notarized?
  • When to apply to the school?
  • When will the interview?
  • When do I submit my visa application or interview with the Embassy/LSQ?

This can help students prepare in advance, avoiding surprises.

In addition, the center also has to observe and monitor the learning situation of students to know how their learning ability is? If it’s not good, how to deal with it? Or does the student have frequent absences or test low scores or do not study?… If the student does not comply with the rules set forth by the center, they will be ‘notified’ of their parents. These centers only want students to follow the rules and also to achieve the best results.

Criterion 5:  Assessment of students on social networking sites

The ” Review ” feature on the fanpages of study abroad centers is a place for people to see comments about that center. Most of the students gave comments and evaluations of the center that they entered in this section. This is a fairly objective criterion for you to find a reputable center for yourself. However, there are still some reviews using virtual accounts, so you can check the reliability by accessing that account.

Criterion 6:  High pass rate of visa interview 

The quality of a center will be partly reflected in the high or low pass rate of Korean student visa interviews. Because the center is responsible for teaching Korean, preparing for interviews for students with the school or with the National Embassy / Consulate. So if the teaching process of the center is good and meets the standards, there is no reason why the student will fail the visa.

In fact, it is impossible to confirm that our center will achieve a 100% visa success rate (for some objective reasons). However, a reputable center will be willing to take partial responsibility and refund part or all of the costs that students have paid.

Criterion 7 : Associate with Korean Universities 

When Korean universities decide to sign a cooperation agreement with a certain study abroad center, they must learn very carefully about that center. The purpose is to ensure the quality of enrollment of DHS Vietnam. Therefore, a reputable Korean study abroad center will be “notice” by Korean universities and at the same time can be linked with many schools. The benefit in signing a partnership is to make it easier for students to apply for admission at this school.

Criterion 8: Korean language training and interview teaching of the Center

Korean language training for students before studying abroad is the most essential condition that a study abroad center must fulfill. If the center ignores this task, it will not only harm DHS but also suffer bad effects. Korean is the most important tool for students to pass interviews with the University or with the Embassy/LSQ and even when studying in Korea. When your Korean is well prepared, you will have great advantages when living in Korea:

  • There is a chance to get into a higher class when taking the entrance test before entering school
  • Shorten the time to learn the language and save a considerable amount of money
  • Easily absorb and adapt to studying and living in Korea
  • Chance to get a scholarship
  • Quickly get a  high Topik certificate  to move to a major
  • Easy to find a good part-time job and high income

Criterion 9: Support after coming to Korea 

Most Korean study centers end their contracts after the student has a visa and flies to Korea. But getting a visa is just the beginning. Certainly, when coming to Korea, students will face many difficulties. And they really need the help of the center that supported them in Vietnam. Especially, when parents want to visit their children or transfer money between families and students or make professional records…. A good center is 100% sure to always be with you and ready to assist you when you need it.

Criterion 10: Convenience in moving

Most of the state agencies to do visa procedures, authenticate documents are in District 1 and District 3. So if a center is too far from this area, it will cause difficulties for both the center and the students. . Since most of these procedures require the student to go in person, the central location is also quite an important criterion before you choose. In addition, you can choose a reputable center near where you live to facilitate the application and learning Korean.

Criterion 11: Dormitory to support remote students

Most of the provinces and cities outside of Ho Chi Minh City have very few Korean study abroad companies. And if you are outside HCM, it is also quite inconvenient to do the application (because this work needs to be done in HCM). And because of that, the students in the province choose to come to Ho Chi Minh City to fulfill their dream of studying abroad. In case that friend has no relatives in Ho Chi Minh City, it is extremely necessary for the center to arrange accommodation. A place near the center to facilitate learning Korean or processing documents will help students save time and effort. And students’ families will also feel more secure when supported by a reputable study abroad center.

Criterion 12: License to study abroad from the Ministry of Education and Training

In addition to a business license, any study abroad counseling center that wants to operate also needs to be registered and issued a study abroad counseling certificate. If the business has not been granted a license in accordance with the law, it may not be eligible and is working underground. Most of you who have lost money unjustly, or encountered unfortunate incidents during the application process are from individuals and businesses that do not have enough licenses. . Therefore, you need to check the license of that center including “Business License” and “Study Counseling License”.