Ngày đăng: 27/04/2023

With the need to develop the tourism industry in Vietnam, the state has had many support policies, in which, the application of  Vietnam electronic visa  (e-visa) is one of the positive policies to help the travel procedures. Entering Vietnam becomes more convenient and faster.

What is Vietnam e-Visa?

Vietnam electronic visa, also known as e-visa  for short  , is understood as a type of visa issued online through electronic declaration, issued by the Immigration Department of Vietnam to foreigners who want to enter Vietnam. into Vietnam. This type of visa has been piloted by the State of Vietnam to citizens of 80 countries around the world since 2017.

Apply for Vietnam e-visa

Vietnam e-visa has a maximum validity of 30 days. The benefit of this visa is that it can be used to enter the country for purposes such as tourism, visiting relatives, commercial investment, marriage, labor …

Notes when applying for Vietnam e-Visa

In order not to be rejected for applying for  a Vietnam e-Visa , to ensure that you enter the country on the expected date of entry into Vietnam, before you declare and submit your application, you should note the following issues:

1. Make sure that the subject declaring the application  for an e-Visa  is a citizen of one of the 80 countries approved by the Immigration Department of Vietnam to issue an e-Visa  See the list at the end of this article ).

2. Vietnam has nearly 50 entry/exit border gates. You need to know the list of 38 border gates that accept entry by e-Visa  See the list at the end of this article ):  9 air border gates, 16 land border gates and 13 seaports. Van Don International Airport is the latest added border gate to the list of border gates accepting e-Visa in April 2022. When applying for an electronic visa, you need to provide the correct border gate that you want to enter, and are not allowed to enter at any other border gate. In case you want to change the entry gate, you need to apply for a new electronic visa or apply for an  entry visa  at the border gate in the usual way.

3. Electronic record code: The electronic record code is sent to your email address, you need to take a screenshot or keep this code in a convenient and easy-to-find location. You use this code to check the processing results of your e-Visa application as well as to download and print the e-Visa you are granted.

4. Time to apply  for Vietnam e-Visa : According to regulations, your visa application will be processed within 03 days from the date of accepting valid documents. However, our advice for you is that you should submit your application 1 to 2 weeks before the expected date of entry to Vietnam to best handle arising situations. One more note about the time is that the e-visa is valid for 30 days, so if you want the visa period to be more than 30 days, you should learn about the procedures for granting a visa to Vietnam at the organizations that are competent to solve the problem. decision or the most prestigious visa service.

5. Personal conditions that need to be met before making an application for an electronic visa include:

– Have a valid passport

– Soft copy of passport photo and personal information page

– Bank card to pay the fee for electronic Visa issuance

– Not falling into the cases that have not been allowed to enter the country as prescribed in  Article 21  of the Law on entry, exit, transit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam.

Steps to apply for Vietnam e-Visa:

Step 1: Go to website then select  E-visa applying  and then select  For foreigners .

Step 2: Read the instructions and check the box  “Confirmation of reading carefully instructions and having completed application” , then select  “Next”  to continue.

Step 3: Upload a photo and personal information page in your passport according to the instructions

Step 4: Complete online declaration of personal information on the declaration (It is necessary to declare accurately and mandatory for all items marked with a red star on the declaration). The remaining items may or may not, but it is recommended to fully update the correct information of the subject)

Step 5: After completing step 4, verify the accuracy of the information before pressing submit. After submitting your application, you will be given an application code. Save that code somewhere easy to remember because you’ll need it later.

Step 6: Pay the electronic Visa service fee (25USD) through the online platform according to the instructions. This fee will not be refunded if your application is denied or the information provided in your return contains any errors provided by yourself in the application form.

Step 7: Look up the e-visa results by visiting the website again after a few days, enter the registration code, email and date of birth in the search box to check the status of your e-visa processing.

Step 8: Get the link to download and then print the e-visa once your visa application form is approved.

Step 9: Present your e-Visa or verification code at the border gate of entry to Vietnam.

Extension of e-visa for foreigners

Electronic visa (E-visa) can be  extended for foreigners  from 1 month to 3 months under the guarantee of a Vietnamese company.

GBU Law Joint Stock Company is a unit specializing in supporting visa services for foreigners . We handle all common types of Vietnam visas such as:

  • Work Visa
  • Business Visa
  • Visa to visit relatives
  • Electronic Visa
  • Change of visa purposes
  • Visa extension

With more than 7 years of experience, we will help declare entry information, check valid records. For advice  on applying for Vietnam e-visa for foreigners, please contact 028 3510 1088 or leave your content in the comment section below the article.


1. Argentina Argentina
2. Armenia Armenia
3. A-déc-bai-gian Azerbaijan
4. Ireland Ireland
5. Iceland Iceland
6. Shirt Austria
7. Ba Lan Poland
8. Belarus Belarus
9. Belgium Belgium
10. Portugal Portugal
11. Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina
12. Bra-xin Brazil
13. Brunei Brunei Darussalam
14. Bun-ga-ri Bulgaria
  15. United Arab Emirates   United Arab Emirates
16. Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
17. Ca-na-da Canada
18. Like yours Qatar
19. Federal Republic of Germany Germany
20. Chile Chile
21. Colombia Colombia
22. Republic of India India
23. Czech Republic Czech Republic
24. Principality of Andra Andorra
25. The Principality of Littensel Liechtenstein
26. Principality of Monaco Monaco
27. Crô-a-ti-a Croatia
28. Cuba Cuba
29. Denmark Denmark
30. Cyprus Cyprus
31. East Timor Timor read
32. Estonia Estonia
33. Gru-di-a Georgia
34. Korea Korea
35. USA United States of America
36. Hung-ga-ri Hungary
37. Greek Greece
38. I-ta-li-a Italy
39. See-vi-a Latvia
40. Russia Russia
  41. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
42. Lit-hua-ni-a Lithuania
43. Luck-see-bua Luxembourg
44. Maicronesia Micronesia
45 Man-ta Malta
46 Macedonia Macedonia
47. Mexico Mexico
48. Mi-an-ma Myanmar
49. Moldova Moldova
50. Mongolia Mongolia
51. Montenegro Montenegro
52. Reaching Nauru
53. Japan Japan
54 New Zealand New Zealand
55. Australia Australia
56. Palau Palau
57. Panama Panama
58. Pa-pua Niu Ghi-nê Papua New Guinea
59. Peru Peru
60. Finland Finland
61. France France
62. Philippines Fiji
63. Philippines Philippines
64. Macsan Islands Marshall Islands
65. Solomon Islands Salomon Islands
66. Ru-ma-ni Romania
67. Sa-moa Western Samoa
68. San Marino San Marino
69. Czech Serbia
70. Spain Spain
71. Sweden Sweden
72. Switzerland Switzerland
      73. China    Includes Hong Kong passport holders, Macau passport holders    Not applicable to Chinese e-regular passport holders China   Including Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR passport holders   Not apply to Chinese e- passport holders
74. Uruguay Uruguay
75. You won’t Vanuatu
76. This is two Venezuela
77. Kingdom of the Netherlands Netherlands
78. Kingdom of Norway Norway
79. Slovakia Slovakia
80. Slovenia Slovenia


1.Cat Bi Airport (Hai Phong) 1.Bo Y . Border Gate 1. Chan May Port
2.Cam Ranh Airport (Khanh Hoa) 2.Cha Lo border gate 2.Da Nang Port
3.Can Tho Airport 3.Cau Treo Border Gate 3.Duong Dong Port
4.Da Nang Airport 4.Huu Nghi Border Gate 4.Hon Gai Port
5. Noi Bai Airport (Hanoi) 5.Ha Tien Border Gate 5.Hai Phong Port
6.Tan Son Nhat Airport (HCMC) 6.Lao Bao border gate 6.Nha Trang Port
7.Phu Bai Airport 7. Lao Cai border gate 7. Quy Nhon Port
8.Phu Quoc Airport 8.La Lay border gate 8. City Port. Ho Chi Minh
9.Van Don Airport 9. Moc Bai border gate 9.Vung Tau Port
  10. Mong Cai border gate 10.Cam Pha Port
  11.Nam Can Border Gate 11. Nghi Son Port
  12.Na Meo Border Gate 12. Dung Quat Port
  13.Tien River Border Gate 13.Vung Ang Port
  14. Tinh Bien Border Gate  
  15. Tay Trang Border Gate  
  16. Xa Mat Border Gate