EB5 Program: Investment through Regional Center will be back in action soon!

Ngày đăng: 27/04/2023

The Regional Center investment form of the EB-5 program, which was suspended in June 2021 because of its legal effect, has caused concern to many investors. However, this method could be re-licensed with new features through the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022. It is a key part of the 2022 Federal Expenditure Bill that has just been released. The US Congress passed on March 10. It is expected that this document will be officially approved by President Biden, which will allow the Regional Center to reopen until September 2027.

What is the EB-5 Visa Concept?

In 1990, the United States introduced the EB-5 visa program to attract foreign investors to settle and do business in this country, with incentives for indirect investment or opening a business in the following countries. priority areas (e.g. suburbs or areas with high unemployment). This type of visa allows the investor, his spouse and dependent children (under the age of 21) to enjoy conditional permanent resident status in the United States for 2 years. This temporary regulation will be removed in the next 2 years if the investor continues to maintain his investment project.

To learn more about the US Immigrant Investor Program (EB-5), please visit:

What is the concept of a Regional Center?

A Regional Center is a registered economic entity incorporated into a certain geographic area in the United States and designated by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to host EB-5 projects. capital from foreign investors. These units typically manage and implement projects in economic development, infrastructure and job creation in designated areas. In the EB-5 program, the Regional Center plays an important supporting role for foreign investors with the ability to meet the conditions of the program, compared to direct investment.
The main benefit of investing through a Regional Center is the flexible job creation regulations, with the requirement that the EB-5 project creates 10 jobs (directly and indirectly) for citizens or permanent residents. personnel in the United States. Meanwhile, the EB-5 direct investment form requires the creation of 10 direct jobs. Regional Centers often develop large projects and are able to support investors well with the capacity and experience to meet the complex requirements and procedures of the program. Therefore, for foreign investors, investing through a Regional Center has certain advantages compared to the direct EB-5 investment model.

Regional Centers will be allowed to reopen. So what are the new features of the EB-5 immigration program?

The new bill passed by the U.S. Congress to relaunch the Regional Center also adds several new features to the EB-5 visa program:

• The Regional Center will be extended until September 30, 2027;
• Investment limit for EB-5 project will increase from USD 1 million to USD 1.05 million and from USD 500,000 to USD 800,000 for key job creation areas.


EB-5 Program: Become a US Permanent Resident with an investment of 800,000 USD?


The EB-5 Immigrant Program Investment Limit Requirements will change, but with the Regional Center reopening, it is still a good time to explore opportunities to immigrate to the United States through the EB-5 program. this program. We will continue to update you with detailed changes to the EB-5 program.