Ngày đăng: 27/04/2023

Right after the big decision to  study in Korea , you need to quickly prepare the necessary documents and apply for a visa to be allowed to enter – live and study in Korea. Depending on the student’s choice of study, whether students want to go to a language program, bachelor’s program or master’s program, the length of stay shown on the visa is different. To find out more information about visa types, necessary documents when applying for a  Korean student visa , please follow the article below of GBU Law Joint Stock Company.


Cty cổ phần du học FUJIMI
  Studying abroad is always a reliable choice of young people and parents.

1. Update on issuance of multiple entry visas:
The Ministry of Justice and the Immigration Department of Korea have issued new regulations under which from March 1, 2017 all people who have previously entered under the visa exemption category Those who have entered Korea as before, including those who have entered Korea more than 10 times or 4 times in a row within the last 2 years will not be eligible for visa exemption to enter Korea. Therefore, all of the above subjects are required to apply for a visa before entering Korea. This regulation is effective from 01/03/2017.

Note: Depending on the purpose of entry, applicants will prepare documents in accordance with the regulations of the Embassy and the Embassy will consider issuing multiple entry visas to the mentioned eligible subjects. above.

2. Types of documents to apply for a student visa in Korea:
In addition to the documents classified by each study program as below, the general documents for a student visa include:

– Visa application form in English or Korean, passport (valid for 12 months from the date of application).
– 01 profile photo taken on a white background, size 3.5cm x 4.5cm and taken within the last 3 months.
– Original admission letter.
– A copy of the business registration certificate of the school you are going to study in Korea.
– Copy of national identity card (bring the original).
– Test results sheet for pulmonary tuberculosis.
– Information registration form of the student visa applicant.

Student visa for Master and Doctoral level:
General documents:

– Highest academic certificate (original and notarized translation).
– Financial proof (see details in section 2).

Study visa for research level:
Requirements: good master’s card.

General documents.

– Highest academic certificate (original and notarized translation).
– Financial proof (see details in section 2).
– Research certificate (for example: Certificate of foreign research student).

Student visa under the exchange program
General documents:

– A copy of the student exchange cooperation agreement between the two schools.

– The decision of the university in Vietnam to send you to study abroad (Vietnamese original and notarized English/Korean translation).

– Student ID card with 02 sides or certificate of being a student of the school sending to study abroad with stamp (original and notarized English/Korean translation).

– Transcripts of the semesters studied by the university studying in Vietnam (original and notarized English/Korean translation).

– Financial proof (see details in section 2).

College or university student visa
General documents:

– Diploma and academic records (original and notarized English/Korean translation).
– Diploma and transcript (if you have graduated from university or master).
– Study plan, Self-introduction (students write in English or Korean)
– Curriculum Vitae (original and notarized English translation).
– Financial proof (see details in section 2).

Language study visa
General documents:

– Study plan paper sent by the school attending in Korea (including timetable and information about lecturers…)
– Graduation certificate and transcript (original and notarized English/Korean translation).
– Diploma and transcript (if you have graduated from university or master).
– Study plan, Self-introduction (students write in English or Korean)
– Curriculum Vitae (original and notarized English translation).
– Financial proof (see details in section 2).

3. Financial documents for Korean student visa application
Criteria for consideration of account balance

– Student visa for university, college, master, doctorate (D-2): Deposit 20,000 USD into the bank for at least 03 months from the date of application.

– Visa to study under the exchange program of two universities Vietnam – Korea (D-2): Deposit 9,000 USD into the bank for at least 03 months from the date of application.

– Language study visa (D-4): Deposit 9,000 USD into the bank for at least 03 months from the date of application.

Note: Don’t accept transfer/transfer passbook or passbook of Credit Funds. About financial guarantee (Only guarantee from biological parents):

– Documents proving family relationship such as household registration book, birth certificate… (notarized English translation).

– Documents proving the financial status of parents such as: proof of occupation, confirmation of monthly income… (notarized English translation).

– Commitment to financial guarantee for children to go to school of parents with local certification of signature (original and notarized English translation).

– The original and photocopy of the account book and the original in English of the confirmation of deposit balance issued by the bank closest to the date of application (only the confirmation of deposit balance will be collected within 10 days of the date of application). to the filing date).

Cases of deceased biological parents or both in Korea:

– Brother/sister or brother-in-law/sister-in-law (with Korean nationality) financial guarantee.

– Documents proving family relationship in Korea and Vietnam, such as household registration book, birth certificate.. (notarized English translation).

– Financial documents of the guarantor (original and notarized English translation

– Commitment to financial guarantee with local certification of signature (original and notarized English translation).

– The original and photocopy of the account book and the original in English of the confirmation of deposit balance issued by the bank closest to the date of application (only the confirmation of deposit balance will be collected within 10 days of the date of application). to the filing date).

In case of Korean sponsor, refer to instructions in Korean.
* Korean professor of science students will enter the guarantee:

– The original commitment to financial guarantee for the student (specify the amount of the scholarship, the number of terms for the scholarship and the professor’s personal stamp).

– Original certificate of personal seal sample of the professor.

– The original of the professor’s professional certificate issued by the school.

– The original of the professor’s financial proof (for example, a confirmation of bank account balance, confirmation of the professor’s research fee will receive…).

In case students are awarded scholarships:

– In case of receiving a scholarship of less than 100%: Scholarship certificate (original) and normal financial documents like students studying abroad on their own.

– In case of full scholarship (100%): Scholarship certificate (original).

Applying the results of the university assessment:

– Students who apply for admission to universities in Korea that are exempted from application documents need to prepare to submit the following documents:

Passport, visa application form, admission letter (original), copy of establishment registration of university in Korea, TB test result sheet, copy of identity card.

– Those who apply for admission to a university in Korea who are exempted from dossiers can apply for a visa at the Korean Consulate in Vietnam, or apply for a visa number at the Korean Immigration Department. .

The processing time for a student visa application is 28 days. However, in case of needing further review, the application review time will be longer, so it is important to pay attention to submit the application at the right time to keep up with the admission.

For more detailed information about procedures and necessary documents when studying in Korea, please contact

GBU Law Joint Stock Company for advice today!