Visa EB3

Ngày đăng: 27/04/2023

The United States of America is the 3rd largest country in the world in terms of size, consisting of 50 states, a federal special district, many small islands and 5 main counties. It is a country with the most developed economy in the world. This is a country where human rights are always given the highest priority, all citizens are treated equally whether they are natives or immigrants. The opportunity to settle and work in the US with an EB3 Visa is open to  all  . everybody. Why say so, let’s find out in more detail in this article.

What is the EB3 Visa Program?

Opportunity to immigrate to the US and work under EB3 Visa

The EB3 program  is an employment-based immigration program: This is a type of visa for foreign workers who want to immigrate to the United States, it allows candidates the opportunity to apply for lawful permanent residence in the United States. This is a direct green card program, allowing workers to bring their whole family, including spouses and children under the age of 21, to immigrate to the US. After 5 years of becoming a permanent resident, you can apply for US citizenship.

What are the opportunities to settle and work in the US under the EB3 Visa?

The EB3 visa   is granted to 3 main categories of people to immigrate to the US by working:

– EB3 for experts:

Visa Eb3 diện chuyên gia

EB3 for skilled workers:

Eb3 visa for skilled workers
Eb3 visa for skilled workers

Applicants must have specialized training or have at least 2 years of experience in the skilled labor field. Candidates need to prove they have had at least two years of professional training. The occupations that are considered for this visa category are: chef, cosmetologist, marketing specialist, etc.

Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree or higher. If the bachelor’s degree is outside the United States, it must be assessed by an international credentialing agency in the United States. For example: professor, doctor, accountant, designer, ..; The job guaranteed for the Green Card must be true (or related) to the profession studied and worked như: đầu bếp, nhân viên thẩm mỹ, chuyên viên marketing,…

– EB3 for unskilled workers:

EB3 Visa for General Worker
EB3 Visa for General Worker

This type of visa does not require qualifications or experience of the candidate. The recipient of this visa will come to the US to settle down and do common labor jobs such as: cleaning hotel rooms, kitchen assistants, product packaging workers, domestic helpers, …

General conditions for applicants to apply for a visa under the EB3 visa program:

Conditions for immigrating to the US under the EB3 Visa program include:

  The candidate is within the working age range from 18 to 55 years old

  Meet the health conditions required by the job

  No criminal record, never been deported from the US

√  Work full-time according to the regulations of employers in the US

  Foreign languages: For EB3 unskilled workers, foreign languages ​​are not required

Benefits of candidates when participating in the US immigration program under the EB3 Visa

EB3 Program to immigrate to the US
  • Be able to work immediately after coming to the US (EB3 opens in Vietnam)
  • Get a green card right at the US airport. Green Card (plastic) is sent directly within 30-60 days after arriving in the US (EB3 opens in Vietnam)
  • Protected by US law under labor contracts, safe and equal working environment
  •  Sponsored family to the US (spouse and children under 21 years old still single)
  • Spouses and children of EB3 green card holders are also granted green cards and are free to study and work like US citizens.
  • Children are exempted from tuition fees at American public schools until they graduate from high school. Tuition at universities is only 1/3 of the cost of international students (depending on the regulations of each state); No visa is required to enter the US.
  • Enjoy benefits, social welfare, health insurance, labor insurance, etc. like US citizens.
  • Buy cars, houses and borrow money at low interest rates like US citizens
  • Being in business and working in many fields
  • Enjoy the full benefits of American citizens except the right to vote.
  • Being naturalized in the US after about 5 years of living and working.

Reading here, you have partly understood  that the opportunity to settle and work in the US with an EB3 Visa  is an opportunity to settle and work in the US for everyone: EB3 visas are diverse in terms of employment, diverse industries. , variety of work,….

Bistax Law is one of the prestigious US immigration consulting firms in Ho Chi Minh City. We will advise you on a package of documents and procedures to get a visa quickly and ensure a high pass rate.

What are you waiting for, pick up the phone and call us immediately at hotline  028 3510 1088 . We are committed to providing the most suitable EB3 visa employment solution   for you and always accompany you on the journey to realize your “American Dream”.